
pics: days 2 and 3

This woman was making Gozo lace outside her house during the afternoon when most people sit on their porches or go inside to take a nap. Besides pottery and glassblowing, Gozo lace is one of the most popular local crafts. This woman didn't sell her lace but said she made it for her children.
This is the path leading to the tourist area at Dwerja. The Azure Window, a large rock formation can be seen at the far left. The picture was taken from the path that leads up to the tower where we spent the afternoon observing activity down by the Window and the shops that surround it.
A closer view of the Azure Window.
We met this man on the way to the bus station in Rabat (Victoria), the largest city in Gozo and center for all the bus terminals. He wanted to take a picture of our group, so I offered him my camera and took a picture with him afterwards.
One of the Victorian-era buses used to shuttle tourists around Gozo. This bus station in Rabat is the busiest in Gozo, with routes to most of the other towns and villages.

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